Aspire Grant Program Awardee

Pierre Armand Mvogo-Ndongo

Comparative study of populations of crabs and shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) from four wetlands ecosystems from littoral zone and western highlands in Cameroon: Implications for nature/biodiversity Conservation

Funding is requested for a biodiversity inventory of crabs and shrimps, which will involve surveying four sites in wetlands ecosystems from littoral zone and western highlands in Cameroon. In addition to collecting all species of crabs (sub-family Potamonautinae) and shrimps (infra-order Caridea) at each site over three-weeks period, the wetland ecosystems will be assessed for damage, pH and temperature of the water recorded; and estimates of species diversity and abundance of crabs and shrimps will be made and long-term threats to the crabs and shrimps and the wetland ecosystems established. The results will be evaluated scientifically, used to make World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List, and made available to the Cameroonian National Red Data, the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MINEF), the Watershed Task Group (WTG), and the Center for Biodiversity Conservation (CBC) etc., assessments for the respective species. Keywords: Cameroon, wetlands ecosystems, littoral zone, western highlands, crabs (subfamily Potamonautinae), shrimps (infra-order Caridea).

Keywords: Cameroon, wetlands ecosystems, littoral zone, western highlands, crabs (sub-family Potamonautinae), shrimps (infra-order Caridea).